The most hated ergos of all time

We all have love/hate relationship with the dreaded erg. Little did Concept 2 know they were developing a torture machine for rowers across the world. So, to honour this delightful piece of gym equipment, we've asked for your most hated erg pieces. There's some classics, and some damn right evil ones. But we'll leave that for you to decide.
"My most hated ergo test is the 5k. It's like a 2k only it's more than twice as long!" - Mat Tarrant, GB Rower
We thought we'd start the quest by by asking GB rower and bowside chopper, Mat Tarrant, which was his least favourite erg, "My most hated ergo test is the 5k. It's like a 2k only it's more than twice as long!". We feel you pain, Mat. Quite a few people agree, with nearly a quarter of responses being the 5k or the 2k test.
However, in no particular order, here's some of the best (or should that be worst) of your most hated ergs. Someone please pass the bucket...
10 x 1min hard and as high rate as you can
- @lucytaylorr (Instagram) -
10x1250m, 4 min rest. Rate floor of 30spm
- @CJulianS (Twitter) -
15 x 40s free rate, 20s rest
- @chess.warham (Instagram) -
10 x 200m
"By the last 2, your legs are so full of lactate that they barely work. The last 200m is a pure mind game" - @_liamalexander_ (Twitter) -
"One is bad enough, so when you finish it and realise you're only halfway.. no, just no." - @issywalker_ (Instagram) -
"I do the ergs I set my squad to know what they're going through, and these are real chunder fodder :)" - @jameshsx (Twitter) -
24mins/24mins/12mins UT2
"BORING" - @conweewee (Instagram)
And, of course, it's also hard to disagree with @fatsculler (Twitter) who suggests, "Every single time I get on the bloody thing", or @witty_williams (Instagram) philosophy of, "Any erg sesh is a bad sesh".